Friday, 1 December 2023

Talk on CHESS TALENT - Sunday, 17th December 2023 at TTDI Community Hall


14 DECEMBER 2023 - 7AM
ONLY 3 Places Left.

The organisers will be organising a talk for parents whose children are
actively involved in chess or, just starting out.
Talk is at 10.30AM and is organised in conjunction with the 2nd TTDI U20 Open Chess Competition 2023 (FIDE-Rated and National-Rated) which will be held on the same day in Taman Tun Dr. Ismail (TTDI), Kuala Lumpur.

The talk by FT/IA/FM  Peter Long is titled "Chess Talent".
Peter Long is the first Asian Secretary of FIDE's Trainers Commission.

 Only 30 Places are available.

To Reserve: